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Starting with an Achieveable Routine

Due to the design of my beginner forms it is possible to follow the whole class without knowing anything about Tai Chi. This is unique to experiencing Tai Chi for the reason that all the original Tai Chi Patterns(or forms as they are known) start changing direction after movement 2 or 3. MORE……

Health Benefits of Tai Chi

One of the best ways to Increase energy is to become more relaxed. Tai Chi is ACTIVE relaxation. The movements have multiple purposes such as: activation of our inner energy, relaxing the mind, increasing blood flow, MORE……

Tai Chi Relationship with Meditation

Tai Chi in it’s purest form can be described as meditation in motion. However, there are many layers to this, which all boil down to where your focus is. To develop a beautiful relationship with focus, I highly recommend Meditation. To meditate properly there needs to be an internal agreement with our mental selves to practice daily. There also needs to be a grand understanding of the purpose of your Meditation. Something that you can relate to. CONTINUE……

JAN 2024

Tai Chi on Amazon Prime Video coming this summer


Starting with an



Due to the design of my beginner forms it is possible to follow the whole class without knowing anything about Tai Chi. This is unique to experiencing Tai Chi for the reason that all the original Tai Chi Patterns(or forms as they are known) start changing direction after movement 2 or 3. MORE……

Health Benefits of

Tai Chi

One of the best ways to Increase energy is to become more relaxed. Tai Chi is ACTIVE relaxation. The movements have multiple purposes such as: activation of our inner energy, relaxing the mind, increasing blood flow, MORE……

Tai Chi Relationship

with Meditation

Tai Chi in it’s purest form can be described as meditation in motion. However, there are many layers to this, which all boil down to where your focus is. To develop a beautiful relationship with focus, I highly recommend Meditation. To meditate properly there needs to be an internal agreement with our mental selves to practice daily. There also needs to be a grand understanding of the purpose of your Meditation. Something that you can relate to. CONTINUE……

JAN 2024

Tai Chi on Amazon Prime Video coming this summer